Shelf Talkers Posts

Shelf Talkers: Marilyn Monroe, YA Romance, Magic Basketball, and More
In a lot of ways, reading is the perfect summer reading project: you get to accomplish something AND you don’t have to break a sweat in doing it! You …

Shelf Talkers: Whispering Words to Hasten Spring's Arrival
Here in the Shelf Talkers column, we have a round-up of books for your spring reading pleasure. And, in keeping with the theme, we have a couple of new …

Shelf Talkers: Books to Get You Through February
Think baggy sweaters and hand-knit slippers, think warm baths and hot drinks, think, of course, of books. (And if your self-care includes chocolates, …

Shelf Talkers: Books for Christmas Eve Shoppers
"You’re an indie bookseller, the best of the best.
You work before dawn, you work without rest.
You’ve read all the books, you could pass any test,
Now, …

Shelf Talkers: Books to Carry You Through November
I’m really not sure of the cause, but it happens every year at around this time. I find myself thinking about the past, about my place in the world, …

Shelf Talkers: Read Your Way to a Relaxed Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving, why not plan a family trip to a local independent bookstore, followed by an afternoon of quiet reading? No screens, no pressure, just …

Shelf Talkers: Women, Songs, Oceans, Freedom, and Hellfire
These are all fiction, all novels, but it’s striking just how close these picks hew to the real world, and what is going on in it. Sometimes we read …

Shelf Talkers: Mid-Summer 2018
For readers, the summer months have a special connotation. We remember not family trips, per se, but those books we read wedged in the back seat. We remember …

Shelf Talkers: Canada Day 2018 Edition!
Dear Canada, it's your birthday! So, here you go: an overfull basket of books to see you through the summer, including some classics and some new books, …

Shelf Talkers: Slap On the Sunscreen and Dive Into a Book
Slather up with sunscreen (don’t miss the back of your neck—if you’re bent over a book, you will burn there, and it’s a very tender spot. Take …